Enigma is a German electronic musical project founded by Michael Cretu, David Fairstein and Frank Peterson in 1990. Cretu, who based his recording studio A.R.T. Studios in Ibiza, Spain in the early 1990s is both the composer and the producer of the project. His former wife Sandra often provided vocals on Enigma tracks. Jens Gad co-produced and played guitar on three of the Enigma albums.
Seven studio albums have been produced under the name of the project. Their first and most successful album, MCMXC a.D., sold more than 16 million copies worldwide.
01. Encounters
02. Seven Lives
03. Touchness
04. The Same Parents
05. Fata Morgana
06. Hell's Heaven
07. La Puerta Del Cielo
08. Distorted Love
09. Je T'aime Till My Dying Day
10. Deja Vu
11. Between Generations
12. The Language Of Sound
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